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Плагины для Enigma 2

[Impact]userscripts plugin 6.0.4
User Scripts Plugin for DreamOS


Mal schnell das UserScripts Plugin ans DreamOS angepasst.

Thx @ gutemine
[dropshadow=blue]BISS KEY EDITOR PLUGIN [OE2.0 OE2.5][/dropshadow]

[bluee]Update 2.6[/bluee]
[green]-Add update plugin online feature
-From this version you can update plugin direct from online if new version available [/green]
[redd]Command to install last version[/redd]

wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSplugins/AddKey/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh
[Impact]FreeServer 4.4[/Impact]

Add cccamtiger to the basic script
Some servers, such as 3 and 4, are not ready to use the CAPTCHA system from the site
Has been replaced by another
Update the Waser and Bass vpnbook
[Impact]FreeServer 4.4.1 [/Impact]

Add the server bluecccam and cccammoer to the basic script

To avoid re-installation, we only replace the script in the attachments or through the link in the previous swatches ...
[Impact]plugin AddKey 2.8[/Impact]

[spoil]-fix some bugs for openpli image

Command to install last version

cd /tmp
tar -xzf AddKey-V2.8.tar.gz -C /[/spoil]
[Impact]QuickSignal by.RAED 5.3[/Impact]

-From last version 5.1 the update only online directly from plugin
(If any new update available. Then after open plugin will be see notification of new version)
-Now you can change path of prov and sat picon from setup

install plugin online

cd /tmp
tar -xzf RaedQuickSignal-5.3.tar.gz -C /