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Плагины для Enigma 2

satvenus-panel 08.03.2020

UPDATE 08.03.2020
- updated GioppyGio E2 settings
- updated Predr@G E2 settings
- updated vhannibal E2 settings
- updated Ciefp E2 settings
- updated picons by pph
- updated picons by mmark
- updated picons by dalmore
- updated picons by chocholousek
- updated Plugin XC-Plugin Lite Passion 1.7
- updated Plugin Biss Feed Autokey 2.5
- updated Plugin XC-Plugin Lite 2.6
- updated Plugin X-Streamity 1.0028
- updated Plugin Feeds Finder 1.5
Xstreamity 1.0030.20200308

New play state icons now in infobar.
New Audio stream availablity icon
New Subtitles available icon
Changed the way the infobar now works. Now works how you setup your general info bar.
Added in general settings on main page (Menu Button)
General bug fixes as mentioned in previous posts.
weather msn 1.3-r3

- добавлена локализация греческий
- обновлена локализация польский
- косметика кода
TSMedia 15.2

OpenWebIf for DreamOS 1.00

f you like OpenWebif (Open Source Web Interface for Linux set-top box) used by almost all OE 2.0 images build teams then this is just what you are looking for.

The Webinterface for DreamOS drives me crazy since the RC is floting around all the time, Its slow to work with.

and as a long user of OpenWebif in my other stbs i desided its time that this plugin was converted to DreamOS

So I am not the author of this plugin i have just convert it to DreamOS to be enjoy by thoose who like this plugin.

Since the DreamOS Webinterface is at port 80 you need to add port 90 to your address in your web browser.
e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.5


При формировании userbouquet's в #fragment запроса прописываем tvg-id из плейлиста провайдера. В дальнейшем эта инфа используется в giclub.tv/...ic=12123.0 версии >= 1.80 для получения EPG архивов пользуясь родными API провайдеров

Спасибо автору Dorik1972
e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.7

1) Пофиксена работа на BlaсkHole и VTI
2) Исправлено сохранение config.xml из-за которого могли "выпадать" провайдеры...
Box Pirates Panel 1.9.0 r6

- fix, löschen des Panels, wenn zusätzlich der gutemine Feed installiert wurde
- damit verbunden jetzt ein Relaunch des Panels als Boxpirates CamManager