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Скины для для VU+

[dropshadow=blue]Скин Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.74 для VU+[/dropshadow]
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- Setup of FHDG17: removed numbering of chapters
- fix all Extra Screens: displaying 16APSK, 32APSK modulation
- WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- DOWNLOAD MENU: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- added extra screen 43, 44, 45
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphocs, icon sets and previews
- SETTINGS OF FHDG: changed layout, removed function of blue and yellow button,
splitted function of green and OK button, button OK aktivates function of some
items, press green button to save cfg only

update is available online (setup and website)
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[dropshadow=blue]Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.78[/dropshadow]

- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- removed displaying Vpid, Apid if bitrate is disabled
- fix default values of FHDG
- WEATHER: added option - Display nigttime icons
- added alternative method to searching of picons
- fix radio screensaver (deb version only)
- added extra screen 89
- added detection of Gcam (after restore icons type will be set to default
type 1, so after update and autorestore you must download icons and previews
and then set/select your prefered icons type)
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphics, icon sets and previews, piconCam
- added new chapter LISTBOX FONT SIZE(deb version only)
- LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added - Bigger, Big, Medium, Small, Smaller
- WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)
[dropshadow=blue]Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.79[/dropshadow]

- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix actual cfg saving
[dropshadow=blue]Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.86[/dropshadow]
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix mgcamd, gcam detection
- fix setup of FHDG17
- acceleration menu items switching in menu types with icons and pictures
- DOWNLOAD MENU: bigger update of menu icons, menu icons big
- added alternative method to searching of picons (if missing search 1_0_1...,
1_0_16..., 1_0_19...)
- OTHERS: added option - Service scan long list
- LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added auto settings of line hight if font size was changed
- WEATHER: changed "Country" to "Location"
[dropshadow=blue]Glamour Aura FHD skin By MCelliot_g[/dropshadow]
With great pleasure, I finally present publicly my latest project, which is none other than my new skin called Glamour Aura FHD. It's a labour of more than a year in the making and testing!
Glamour Aura FHD (GAFHD) is a Full High Definition and High graphic resolution skin for receivers running Enigma2 and the recent OpenPLI/OpenPLI-based images.
Due to it's high resolution graphical nature, GAFHD was designed and optimized to run on new generation receivers. The minimal requirement is an STB with a CPU of 750 Mhz (2000 DMIPS).

GAFHD is also a skin you can contribute to. The ipk of the skin is distributed with closed converters/renderers, but all the python code along with the skin code is available on Github.
You can find the source code here:

You can pull your requests, make recipes for it and I will push contributions after testing.

GAFHD on par with its graphical user interface is fortified with an extended python system that runs along with OpenPLI's enviroment, providing it with some exclusive new features.

SCREENSHOTS and extended features presentation
1. Main Infobar
The main infobar is divided into two sections. The top section contains all frequency and signal info. GAFHD is the first skin that fully supports real-time info for Multistream services, showing MIS info when such a service is tuned. Up to 12 tuners can also be displayed. The left top part is a weather panel which shows today's weather. Weather info requires the MSN weather plugin to be installed and configured (instructions will follow).
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The top infobar will also display full stream URL and stream type when a service is stream.

The lower section is the main infobar which contains along with the program info, an extended service info icons panel, including icons for audio/video codecs, a full exact framerate display, and a short weather panel which shows the current weather condition. GAFHD can also display a live bitrate if the bitrate plugin is installed and configured (this will be explained below as well).
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The lowest part of the main infobar is the extended encryption info. GAFHD uses a new detection feature which shows all available caids and encryption system names of a service.
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NOTE: The skin works best with 400X240 picon size.

2. Second infobar
The second infobar brings an amplitude of extra information for both the service and the system layout. The weather panel shows additional info on tomorrows weather.
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The left panel is the layout info showing real time CPU work, temperature, speed and load and internal HDD temperature. The upper layers show the pids of the service in decimal format and also real time info on connected storage devices, memory and swap.The middle part displays now and next program extended description.

3. Channel selection screens
Channel selection along with the service list on the right displays the extended program description on the left, the five following events and also a new transponder info panel which also shows the stream type and stream url on a stream service and transponder info for the rest.
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4. Media player infobar
Media player will additionally show icons for resolution, audio/video codecs, subtitle availability and the exact framerate of a video or stream.
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5. Info screen
Info screen along with the usual info also displays the HDD storage panel, which shows connected devices space both internal and network HDD and USB. The storage panel is also available on the HDD screens.
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6. Language selection
GAFHD is a truly multilingual skin. It utilizes the new Aura new font I created based on Roboto and Noto fonts the skin is able to show Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic and Georgian among others. More alphabets can be added by request.
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1) Download the ipk of the file. Send the file to /tmp your receiver using an FTP program. Then you can install it manually via telnet or via the software manager.

opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd_RC.4_all.ipk
The bitrate plugin is essential for bitrate to work. You can download it from the plugins menu. For correct display in the skin it needs to be configured as follows:
mode: as infobar,

style skin: compact,

background window: transparent-black,

X screen position: 1645,

Y screen position: 0837,

Z screen position: 14.
The correct settings are also shown in the screencap below:
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The weather info requires the msn weather plugin to be installed. I have included the ipk as well. After installation you can configure your location via its settings menu.

NOTE: For IPTV streams serviceapp is highly recommended with this skin.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As stated above, GAFHD is designed to work well ONLY for receivers with a CPU higher than 750Mhz. This is an obligatory limitation due to the high resolution graphical nature of the skin which also makes the package large in size. For receivers with slower CPUs use at your own risk! Also, GAFHD for the moment will not work on any other images (such as OE-A) than OpenPLI and OpenPLI-based images (like SatDreamGr, etc).

I want to personally thank my beta testers for their feedback. I encourage developers to contribute to the skin's further development in github.
I really hope you enjoy my work.

Two videos showing the usage of the skin in real-time (SF4008 receiver with SDG5.0).

1. ATSC and American C and Ku band satellite usage

2. Multistream and 4K channels in Europe

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[dropshadow=blue]Glamour Aura FHD v.RC5[/dropshadow]

- незначительные косметические изменения и лучшее обнаружение имени камеры
[green]GLAMOR AURA FHD v.RC6 [/green]

- Добавлены экраны Flash Image для OpenPLI 6.1 (полюбите новый значок)
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- Добавлен экран Subtitle QuickMenu
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[glow=red]ВАЖНОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В настоящее время скин работает только с изображениями OpenPLI и OpenPLI, такими как SatDreamGr. Все остальные изображения, основанные на OE-A (OpenATV, Open8, OpenSPA и т. Д.) И Blackhole, пока не поддерживаются.[/glow]
[dropshadow=blue]Ultra HD Glass 18 ver. 1.26[/dropshadow]

- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- updated enhanced weather translations: sk, cz, et, lt
- fix/corections some extra screens
- added enhanced method of picon searching
- fix CAID:PID info
- WEATHER: YAHOO - added option Show yesterday
- WEATHER/ENHANCED WEATHER: fix colors table
- fix audio trak type AAC detection
- added detection tuners: A1 - A8, B1 - B8 (after restore icons type will be set
to default type 1, so after update and autorestore you must download icons and
previews and then set/select your prefered icons type)
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated icon sets and previews
- EXTRA INFOBAR: added option Tuner info with options - real data from tuner,
transponder info
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