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ABS 6 at 159.0°E

[dropshadow=blue]ABS 6, 159°E[/dropshadow]
[green]People's TV, Action Hollywood Movies, Australia Channel News, Australia Channel Sport, Landscape HD, MyZen TV, TBN Philippines, MTV Classic Australia, Travelxp HD, DZRH News TV, B4U Movies Asia Pacific, B4U Music India, CTI TV Asia, Hope Channel International, ZooMoo Asia[/green] кодированы в ABV на 3619 H 30000 1/2, DVB-S2/MPEG-4
[dropshadow=blue]ABS 6, 159°E[/dropshadow]
[green]Channel NewsAsia, TeleNovela Channel [/green]появились на 3619 H 30000 1/2, DVB-S2/MPEG-4, ABV
[dropshadow=blue]Optus D1, 160E[/dropshadow]
Freeview: [green]Hope Channel New Zealand[/green] появился на 12456 H 22500 FEC 3/4, DVB-S/MPEG-2, открыто